Prayer: Sunday 9 May 2010

Prayer of ECCR for Sunday 9 May 2010 prepared by Szent István Rádió, Hungary.


Prière :
Trinité sainte, Père, Fils et Saint Esprit,
Donne-nous, par Marie ta Mère,
la grâce de vivre chaque jour dans la joie de ton Amour!
Nous voulons vivre proche de Toi.
Aide-nous à demeurer avec ton Fils.
Donne-nous ta bénédiction pour que Ta volonté soit faite en chacun de nous.
Sainte Marie, Reine du monde, prends notre main et montre-nous le chemin de Jésus.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through
the hands of our Lady bless
us and give us the grace to spend this day
and every day in a manner pleasing to you.
Close to you, Mary, our Lady,
we want to live. With you we desire to offer ourself
to Jesus. Through you we wish to receive
His blessing in order that our whole day and life,
from morning to night, from begining to end may be occupied
solely in the carrying out
of His most holy will.
Mary, Holy Queen of the world, take our hands
in yours so that we may keep in step with you as
we walk along the pathway of the Will of God.

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