Prayer: Sunday 10 September 2010

Monthly prayer of ECCR for Sunday 12 September 2010 prepared by Radio Trinitas (Romania).


Seigneur, Toi qui accueilles nos prières,
Fais jaillir l’eau pour ceux qui sont assoiffés,
Fais porter des fruits à ceux qui sont affamés,
Comble de Ta grâce le monde que Tu as créé.
Pardonne-nous nos péchés et montre- nous le chemin qui mène à Toi.
Seigneur, apprends- nous à nous entraider ,
mets Ta lumière, dans nos cœurs
Pour que cette prière soit comblée de Ta miséricorde,
Ô Dieu d’Amour pour tous les hommes.
Amen !

Lord, You Who accept our prayers for one another, also accept these words:
spring water to those in thirst,
fruit pabulum to those in hunger,
fill Your world with Your grace!
We confess we are not worthy of Your gifts.
In times when the land and people are suffering because of our mistakes and our greed,
Help us find the path to You.
Help us help one another, for this is how You taught us, in Your wisdom.
Make Your light shine, during these times, in our hearts,
and accept this prayer.
For You are Our Lord, greatly merciful and a lover of Your people. Amen!

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