European Conference
of Christian Radios

Radio Ognjisce: Pastoral Year for Christian Solidarity and Charity

News from Radio Ognijsce, Slovenia.

News from our radios

After the year of preparation for the Slovenian Eucharistic Congress, which was in June 2010, we continue the Pastoral Year for Christian Solidarity and Charity. Its goal is for Christians to become aware of the basic importance of helping people in need and act appropriately. The archbishop of Maribor and the vice-president of the Slovenian Episcopal Conference Franc Kramberger wrote that the year is „the best way of continuing the Eucharistic Congress, because eucharist itself leads to charity and solidarity“. In his words serving human in need should be done in „personal life of every Christian, their families and parishes“. What is more, the Pastoral Year goes hand in hand with the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion and both initiatives are given special attention in the programme of Radio Ognjišče as well. The guiding principle of the European Year is, however, to give voice to the concerns of people who have to live with poverty and social exclusion, and to inspire every European citizen and other stakeholders to engage with these important issues. On Radio Ognjišče, acting against poverty is especially encouraged by Caritas Slovenia, in the monthly broadcast called Karitas.

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